Practice Examples

Descomplica Trial

Creating confidence with new users

Descomplica is Brasil's biggest online classroom with a goal to make education fun and accessible to everyone. But also everyone should be able to try it before buying it. To amplify the product marketing mindset this project aimed to use Descomplica's search relevance to address trial features and increase the organic sales channel.

Some exemples of Descomplica's product features that we made available for the trial users to experience.


This wasn't Descomplica's first attempt to do a trial experiment, so first things first, we needed to know what went wrong and where to put our effort. We learned an incredible amount of "don'ts" just by having a look in this past experience.

The main problem was that Descomplica wasn't being found on Google and past efforts were put on pages that had no significant SEO relevance, so very few non-users could find and try the past trial experiment. Besides that, Descomplica always had a very popular blog with free content, but seems like they've never had approached these prospect users in a efficient way. This blog posts were going to be used as a channel to bring new users to the trial experience.

630k viewers, 270k unique viewers. Only 1% actually were using the product trial and after this only 0,2% had the intention to buy.
The older version had some flow and indexing problems that resulted in almost no one using Descomplica's trial or not seeing enough value to buy it


We ran in a team effort task to create the blog posts experience inside Descomplica product. The biggest online classroom that used to have video lessons and assessments would now have a new feature: articles. These articles would appropriate themselves of all the past blog URL's relevance and redirect users to this new page inside the product.

But this is the tip of the iceberg, we had many layers inside the product trial experience that needed to be rearranged to fit the new concept. To exemplify this structure, imagine Biology(discipline) as a parent of Biochemistry(subject) who's parent of Vitamins(topic), so: Biology → Biochemistry → Vitamins → Item Pages (video lessons, assessments and articles). Each one of these layers of contents needed to be prepared for the trial experience.

To complete user flow we needed smart and assertive ways to approach trial users in becoming paid users. Mapping key features with on-point paywalls that lead them directly to a informative checkout*(project link here)* was our hypothesis to reduce friction.

Descomplica's trial experience environment. We mapped everything to converge into the open plataform experience.


One of the main issues of Descomplica's prospects was unknowing the product and how it works before buying it. Even if our marketing team advertise the main features, to go actually in-depth using the product can give users a totally new experience.

Also there were a lot of expectations involved from stakeholders. This new organic revenue source could drastically reduce investments on paid advertisements. At the end of this project, not only did we a smoother trial experience, but we also strengthened ties between product and marketing teams to build a stronger product marketing culture.

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Descomplica TrialProject type

Descomplica CheckoutProject type

SupervizProject type

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© Leandro Boechat 2020